Simply speaking, a thesis statement is a position you are taking in your essay. To help your reader understand what is your essay about, you will need to put your thesis statement at the end of the introduction. If you want to succeed in academic writing, you should understand what is a thesis in an essay. At the same time, you should know that each essay type requires a different approach to writing a thesis statement. Below, you will find the common types of thesis statements along with their key peculiarities. By reading our guidelines, you will understand what is a thesis in an essay:

  • Consequences. Such a thesis aims to take a current situation and extend it to the future by drawing appropriate conclusions. Such an approach allows the student to address various social, cultural, political, environmental, and many other problems evaluating the risks that can occur if these problems remain unsolved. In particular, the students may write about terrorism, climate change, the dependence of people on social media, etc.;
  • New information. Some papers are written just for providing the target audience with new information regarding some policy, event, issue, etc. Such an essay is a great opportunity to start a dialogue with the audience. For instance, you may write an essay about prison overcrowding informing the readers about this issue;
  • Alternative solutions. Such an approach requires considering alternative solutions for some problems. For instance, when people are already aware of the problem-solution relationships within the scope of the specific topic, you can suggest a brand new solution that can be more efficient. In this way, your thesis statement should clearly state the solution you are introducing;
  • Parallel. By taking this approach, you will need to draw parallels between two or more objects, policies, places, events, etc. This approach is very popular when it is necessary to compare several things based on their similarities and differences;
  • Cause and effect. This is, perhaps, one of the most popular approaches to discussing some topic. As it is obvious from its title, such an essay should provide the reader with information about the main causes of the problem explaining the solutions that can help address this problem effectively. For instance, you may explore the role of carbon emissions in the global warming problem.

There are many other approaches to writing thesis statements. If you are not sure what a thesis in an essay is, you may ask your teacher to provide you with some good examples of thesis statements. Sometimes, it is better to see a good sample instead of studying theoretical materials for hours.

Thesis Sample

Police brutality refers to the use of excessive physical force as well as psychological intimidation and verbal attacks by the police during law enforcement activities. It is a violation of civil rights highlighted in various clauses of the Fourth and Eighth Amendments to the United States Constitution. In spite of the prohibition of these illegal actions under the law, police misconduct has been increasingly prevalent in recent times. It is important that the misconduct of the officers is minimized to preserve the ideas of democracy while ensuring law enforcement.

The current paper will describe the standard actions taken during law enforcement as defined by the Force Continuum. It will highlight various notable cases of police misconduct in recent times. The paper will elucidate the various causes of abuse by officers. These include the inadequate training of the police officers, increased militarization of the law enforcement departments, racial profiling, the reluctance on the part of officers to report their colleagues, and minimal legal action taken by the government for the violators. Furthermore, the brutality is attributed to the loading of financial consequences of the violations on the taxpayers rather than the indicted officer.

Additionally, the paper will also give an insight into some of the potential solutions to this problem. For instance, the police departments should design comprehensive training for the recruits. The federal government should control the militarization of the agencies and stiffen the legal consequences of police brutality. Moreover, the communities should also have a stake in their policing. These measures may help make the police more accountable to the public.

This paper will define police brutality, giving the limit of actions to be taken by police officers as indicated in the force continuum. It will then give notable examples of the issue, elucidating the causes, and finally giving the solutions to this problem.

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Single/Double spacing
One-inch margins
Times New Roman 12 pt.
300 words per page
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