Learn Argumentative Essay Writing Tips
Students encounter argumentative writing very often, regardless of the subject. In this piece of writing, one has to present an argument and write a suggestion about possible topic resolution. In this case, argumentative essay writing tips are what students want to find to make their life easier. If you strive to attain the best results in argumentative writing, you will have to present extraordinary ideas that will surprise your reader, include a number of appropriate examples, and show your high command of English.
In addition, you will have to create an outstanding conclusion that will make the reader accept your point. As you can see, it is extremely challenging to write a good argumentative essay. Please check some useful hints:
- In your argument essay, do not make up any data. If you present fake statistics or research ideas, you will not only lose points, but also damage your reputation. You are not an expert in the field and it is highly forbidden to provide distorted data. Your arguments should be based on solid reasoning only. If you want to prove your standpoint, you will have to do a research and find the researchers, who share the same opinion.
- Argumentative essays should not be sophisticated in their structure. Do not choose too complex sentence structure to convey information. Do not think that elaborate sentences will make your essay sound more scholarly. Though you need to write in a formal way, your language should sound naturally and clear for the readers, who should not get bored after reading the first paragraph filled with terms.
- Work on the thesis statement. No matter what topic your professor asks to discuss, you have to provide a concise thesis statement that will reflect your discussion. If you want to reach success, you have to re-read the paper and find some vague statements that need to be further explained. You have to criticize the paper, check professor’s instructions, and get back to your essay to find possible inconsistencies.
Probably you wonder about the time span needed for completing the paper. If your argumentative essay takes a great deal of your final grade, you should not postpone the writing till the last hours. Being in a rush will not bring positive results. Check examples of argumentative essays on the web and you will see that this piece of writing will require much time and dedication. In general, your writing process can be divided into 3 steps:
- Planning. You will need to create an outline, think about 3-4 arguments, decide how you will present your ideas before you actually start writing.
- Writing. You have to quickly place all your ideas on paper. This piece of writing is called a “draft” and it must be further revised. During the revision phase for an argumentative essay, a writer should keep in mind professor’s requirements.
- Proofreading. Do not forget that proofreading is as important as writing. Check your spelling and grammar not to lose credits. If you check any argumentative essay writing tips, you will see that the last step usually determines much. Even if you present brilliant ideas, but the essay has no flow and coherence, you will never get a good grade.
During the Revision Phase for an Argumentative Essay a Writer Should:
- stop seeing the paper for some period of time;
- outline argumentative evidence and claims;
- analyze argument’s assumptions;
- mind audience while revising;
- become a critical reader himself/herself;
- check the paper against dissonance;
- ask somebody to have a critical look at the argument.
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