Classification Essay Writing Tips on How to Create a Successful Paper
The main aim of a classification paper is to group items into special classes. The topic sentence of a classification paper should contain a list of classes while the body of the paper should explain each class and example given. For instance, if you write about different types of animals, it should be as follows: mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, and fish, and then you have to provide examples and definition for each type. In order to complete a successful paper, please follow these simple classification essay writing tips:
Classification Essay Outline
1. Introductory paragraph. Here you need to provide sufficient background information on the topic, pinpoint to its importance, and outline the core ideas or messages you will focus on. Moreover, a good introductory paragraph should focus with a strong and clear argumentative thesis statement. The introduction should be appealing to the reader, so it is a must it contains a hook (a statement that attracts attention of the target audience). It can be some statistics, a controversial or surprising fact, a quotation, etc. After your reader has acquainted him-/ herself with the introduction, it should be clear what the point of classification is and what the initial purpose of classification is.
2. The main body. You need to identify the number of body paragraphs you will have in the main body. Each body paragraph should focus on one idea or message and should be organized in a specific way. The first sentence of the body paragraph is a topic sentence, where you outline the name of the first classification category. After you have written the topic sentence, it is essential to provide examples and illustrations for this idea and provide a general discussion of what a certain category is about.
3. Conclusive paragraph. Be sure to provide a concise and brief summary of the key findings. In other words, you need to summarize the information about all of the categories. If needed, you should indicate your opinion and also highlight the main results.
Structure Your Essay
Ideally, each subtopic for a classification essay should contain similar facts. In order to select a topic among such a huge number of classification essay topics, you should provide the similarities and differences of the two subcategories, and then use them in order to prove your point or make a conclusion. After that you will get a guide for your classification essay writing so that all the pieces cohesively fit together.
Find Ideas
It is easy to find an idea for a classification essay as there are thousands of them. Think about your topic and sort your items in such a way so that you can compare and contrast them. Use your imagination and you will definitely find a lot of different aspects of your items to compare and contrast. Below are some examples:
- major world religions: Differences and similarities.
- different poets of one time period. The similar and different features of their poems.
- the similarities or differences of the economic systems of two countries.
Format Your Paper
There are some elements that are necessary to include in the general format of classification essays. Remember that your paper should be easy to read. It should have smooth transitions and proper structure. Each section should be singled out.
How to Choose Successful Classification Essay Topics?
Another important thing apart from ensuring a proper essay structure is choosing good classification essay topics. Read some of the most popular below:
- What are the most popular and widespread gadgets used by teenagers and youths on a daily basis?
- Investigate the usage and meanings of specific colors in Van Gogh’s paintings.
- Investigate the history and evolution of different kinds of rock music.
- What alternative fuels can be used nowadays?
- What are the most effective ways of preparing for an exam?
- Discuss jazz, blues, and hip-hop as the most popular music genres in America.
- Provide a detailed analysis of Thai, Cantonese, and Korean dishes.
- Discuss the classification of the most popular ice-cream with fruit: those with citrus fruit, with berries, and with orchard fruit.
- Discuss the three main styles of leadership: democratic, authoritarian, and transformational.
- Discuss such beer types as wheat beer, IPA, and APA.
- Discuss the peculiarities and features of each of these meals: breakfast, dinner, and supper.
- Provide investigation of such types of cosmetics as lip products, concealers, and eye cosmetics.
- How far do you agree that days can be classified only into weekend, work days, and holidays?
- Classification of essays into cause-and-effect essays, persuasive essays, and comparison and contrast essays.
- Three most popular literary genres are science fiction, fantasy, and thriller.
- Three types of psychological help comprise of but are not limited to psychological counseling, psychoanalysis, and clinical psychology.
- The most widely accepted classification of drugs relates to anti-depressants, stimulants, and psychedelic drugs.
- The three most known periods of 20th century art are pop art, post-impressionism, and conceptual.
- Portable gadgets are classified into such types as laptops, smart phones, and tablets.
- The categories of business are corporation, partnership, and proprietorship.
- Three main ethical theories are virtue ethics, utilitarianism, and deontology.
- There are four Jewish religious movements: the Orthodox, Conservative, Reconstructionist and Reform movements.
- Democracy has such constituent parts as presidential system, parliamentary system, and hybrid system.
These are just some of the most popularly assigned topics for a classification essay. If you want to provide an excellent paper, choose the topic that you like most and there you go!
Common Problems Students Encounter When Writing Classification Essays
The very first difficulty students encounter is the problem with essay organization. Usually, students have troubles identifying a single category around which they will develop their paper. As a result, they cannot provide a proper thesis statement easily. There are even cases when students choose a category that is not related to the subjects or aspects of discussion. Thus, a clear argument will not be provided here.
Another difficulty experienced by students is the inability to organize the best categories. If the essay does not have enough categories, it seems incomplete and poorly developed. Make sure you do not overlook the most important categories. For example, if your classification essay topic deals with sports, it is a must that you focus on such categories as individual sports, team sports, contact sports, and others.
Students who are not native speakers of English may face even more acute problems when writing. First of all, since they are not native speakers of English, they may find it hard to formulate their opinions and thoughts and convey the original paper idea. Second, they may face troubles with grammar and sentence structure. Third, they may find it hard to meet the deadline because of numerous other writing assignments. Besides, they may lack sufficient knowledge or skills to cover a specific topic. Finally, they may just need professional assistance to know they are heading in the right direction.
To avoid all of these difficulties, you can address us for help and we will help you deal with your classification essay. With the help of our expert writers, you will get an impeccable classification paper that will be free from errors and typos. If you are eager to know how exactly we help students, check it out below.
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How We Help Students with Their Classification Essays
When you purchase a classification paper from, the very first thing our company’s writer will do is study your paper requirements and instructions. It is essential that your assigned writer gathers sufficient information on the topic. Good luck with your paper writing and feel free to contact us whenever you need professional help.
Take into account these useful classification essay writing tips and you will simply produce an amazing piece of writing.
Classification Essay Examples PDF
There are numerous classification essay samples on the web. Our site contains such essay examples as well. Below you can find classification essay sample crafted by our gifted writers. Enjoy their professionalism and let it inspire you either to write your own classification essay or order the paper from our custom writing company.

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