The Best Comparative Essay Writing Tips
Comparative pieces of writing should reflect the comparison of two theories, concepts, notions, people, ideas, buildings, objects, places, events, etc. While composing academic papers, students should follow a common essay writing structure. Please find some comparative essay writing tips that will help you organize ideas in the paper.
The introduction in a comparative essay should reflect different goals. For sure, it should point out the two objects that you want to compare. At this stage, you should give some brief details about each object. Moreover, you should give a hint on why you chose these two objects for comparison. Is it because they are very similar? Or they are very different? In any case, the reader should be interested to read the paper further. Therefore, you should not provide any examples and explanations in the first paragraphs.
Main Body Paragraphs
If you do not know how to write a compare and contrast essay, it is preferable for you to read some materials before writing. In comparative papers, each main body paragraph should convey a single idea. It is important to discuss only one fact to the full instead of presenting a couple of ideas simultaneously. The reader can be misled and confuse the paper topic. There are different ways to show comparison. You can either discuss one object and then the next or discuss both at once. However, your objects should be compared in the same categories. If you compare the general appearance, then do not apply physical properties. If you compare the color, do not mention the shape of the objects. Each main body paragraph should include a clear topic sentence at the beginning.
The last sentence of body paragraphs should briefly summarize the key findings and be logically connected with the next paragraph. Usually there are 3-5 main body paragraphs, but everything depends on your teacher’s instructions. You may find compare and contrast essay examples on the web, and you will see that these pieces of writing are usually short. They are no more than 2-3 pages long since it is pretty challenging to compare 2 objects and find numerous differences and similarities. Be sure that your essay reflects an appropriate amount of items for comparison in each paragraph.
In any academic paper, conclusion should reflect the key ideas discussed in the main body. There is a need to identify the same similarities and differences that writer considers to be the most vivid. You should not present any new ideas in the conclusion. Remember that the last impression always matters. Thus, try to be original and creative in your last sentences. Hope that our comparative essay writing tips will help you produce a nice paper with ease.
Do not forget to provide a reference list of all used material in the paper. It should be included at the end of the paper. Also remember to always provide citations for all sources that are in the reference list.
Comparison essay writing is quite an often task in college, therefore, you will definitely write this kind of paper several times. Please remember that when you will create your paper, it is highly important to choose a right and good topic as there are many different comparison and contrast essay topics. Finally, after your paper is completed, do not forget to proofread and edit it. Make sure that it doesn’t have any grammar, lexical, punctuation, and stylistic mistakes. Follow these simple comparison essay writing tips and you will surely get a good grade and become one of the most successful students in your course.
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