Formatting an Essay? Trust Our Experts to Do This for You
Whenever you are given a writing assignment that involves using outside sources, you are expected to cite it based on a standard academic formatting style. Formatting an essay is intended to provide a sense of uniformity while citing and formatting the paper (i.e., using correct margins, headers, cover pages, reference lists). APA (American Psychological Association), MLA (Modern Language Association), Chicago/Turabian, and Harvard are the most common. American colleges and universities tend to prefer APA or MLA most frequently, whereas UK and Australian universities typically choose Harvard. The fact that each style has its rules can make the process tedious. For example, in Chicago style you cite page numbers in the text and accompanying footnotes at the bottom. By contrast, in APA you never use footnotes. Instead, you list the author and year in the in-text citation. Meanwhile, in MLA you use the author-page format, but not year. Even the way you title the reference page differs. In APA it is “References,” in MLA “Works Cited,” in Chicago “Bibliography” and in Harvard “Reference List.” And let us not even get started on how the authors and publications are supposed to be written and ordered on those respective reference pages! But unfortunately your professor is likely to be a really stickler when it comes to proper formatting. In fact, even if the content of the paper is otherwise brilliant, your score can significantly drop if you don’t abide by the specified formatting style. This is why you have no choice but to spend hours getting it right. Or do you?
Our Formatting Services Will Save You Precious Time
Formatting an essay is time-consuming and frustrating. It is already enough of a challenge for you to write your papers, so why should you have to worry about screwing up the formatting style? Hire a professional at to handle the dirty work. They are experts at formatting documents no matter if it has to be done in APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard, or even the less frequently used styles such as Oxford.
Did you know that according to APA formatting style guidelines you are required to include a cover page whereas you would omit it if using MLA style? Our writers definitely know those details! To make things even more confusing, the various formatting styles are routinely updating their guidelines, which means even more work for you. But our editors are completely knowledgeable about the proper formatting college essays and graduate-level papers, even the most recent updates! Keep in mind that when you write a dissertation, you are required to include dozens of sources. This means hours upon hours of work just to insert the in-text citations and complete the reference page. But formatting an essay is a piece of cake when you hire a professional at to do it!
We Also Offer Editing and Proofreading Services
We have a team of editors who can make your paper really shine. Our essay proofreading service is perfect when you need somebody to check your essay for typos and grammar mistakes. Our paper editing services include correcting these mistakes as well as any formatting problems. Essay editing from is a really valuable resource. It ensures that your papers meet all of the formatting requires based on APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian or Harvard guidelines along with making the rest of your paper look its best.
When you order editing services online from, you are sure to receive:
- Papers formatted based on proper academic guidelines of the requested style
- In-text citations based on the requested style
- A reference/bibliography page that will always be properly formatted
- A paper that is formatted according to the most current edition of the formatting style
- Complete anonymity when you place an order
- Free revision within 48 hours after order delivery
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We offer student essay editing services no matter the academic level, page length, or type of assignment or project. For fast, free and reliable formatting, editing and proofreading services, call on PaperMasters!
Essay Format: Which Style to Choose?
There are many citation styles used by writers all around the world, but the major ones are: MLA (Modern Language Association), APA (American Psychological Association), Harvard referencing system, and Chicago. If you do not know which essay format is the most suitable for your assignment, you have to check the task file or consult with your professor. Different educational institutions ask students to follow specific citation styles. Moreover, some departments even assign certain writing styles on a regular basis. For instance, if you study humanities, you are bound to face APA style in your writing.
Essay formats, their explanation, and examples can be widely seen in the web. One of the most popular online assistance is Purdue Owl lab, where one can find explicit information about each source. Moreover, some professors even have their personal handouts with the basic details about the style you have to utilize in your writing, be it APA essay format or MLA. What we recommend to each student is not to be reluctant to check some specific formatting details one more time. Even if you think that citations are properly introduced in the text, do not hesitate to double-check it because misplaced commas can cost you a couple of points deducted from the overall grade.
MLA essay format is known as a parenthetical citation system. It means that when writer intends to present an in-text citation, author’s name will be written in brackets and the full name of the source must be mentioned on the Works Cited page. The in-text citation should include the following information: the last name of the writer and page number. No comma is needed between the name and page number. Your citation will look like:
….text…(Swift 89).
There are instances when students pertain to two or more works of the same author, which means that they cannot present an in-text citation according to the abovementioned example. In this case, you should mention the last name, a short version of the title (journal, book, etc) and the page number. Your citation will look like:
…text… (Swift, Public Relations 96).
In order to follow a proper essay format, your reference list must be formatted according to modern writing standards. In MLA style, like in any other citation style, the sources in their reference list must be alphabetically arranged. The reflection of source should look like: author’s full name, name of publication (italicized), city of publication, name of publishing house, year of publication, and the word “Print.”
Swift, John. Public Relations. New York: MacMurray, 2011. Print.
APA essay format also remains a parenthetical system. The citation in the body of the text will include the last name of the author and the date of publication. If information is paraphrased, there is no need to put a page number. However, if you present a direct quote, you will have to add the exact page number apart from author’s last name and year of publication. Your citation will look like:
…text…(Swift, 2011, p. 24).
As in MLA style, the reference list in APA style should be placed on the last page. The text and all sources must be alphabetically arranged. In academic essay format, is it highly important to properly introduce in-text citations and reflect them in bibliography. If you forget to mention the source, you will be blamed for plagiarism. Each source in the reference list should include the following information: author’s last name and initials, separated with a comma, date of publication, the title of the book (without capitalization), city and state of publication, name of publication:
Swift, J. (2011). Public relations. New York, NY: MacMurray.
Sometimes students are asked to format their papers according to Harvard referencing system. This essay format is somehow similar to APA style in terms of in-text citations and the reference list, but the cover page differs much. Check online writing labs for more information about how your Harvard paper should look like.
Chicago Writing StyleTurabian Style MLA Essay APA Essay