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What does anarchy mean to you? What would an anarchistic society look like in your eyes? “V” identifies himself as an anarchist. Do you agree or disagree? Why?


The notion of anarchy indicates such situation when state’s power belongs to people as there is no official authority. In my opinion, an anarchistic society would look like a complete chaos, since there would be no governments, no presidents, and no laws. I totally support the statement that V is an anarchist as he claimed: “With an anarchy comes an age of Ordnung, of true order, which is to say voluntary order”. V strives to accomplish his objective and to ensure that the future “won’t be the same”. He is not afraid of taking such drastic actions as blowing up the governmental buildings, kidnapping officials, killing dishonest people, broadcasting his own videos etc.

What kind of world does evey live in during and after the war? Do you think the system (or lack thereof) of anarchy evey describes is the same anarchy “V” is striving for through his actions?


Evey used to live in a world riddled with economic difficulties, despair, uncertainty, and fear. She remembers her parents looking at the photo and tears well up in her eyes. Prior to the war, people were terrified whether the country would be bombed or not. After the war, people lacked food and money and various illnesses spread rapidly. The country faced constant riots, no governments, just many little gangs “trying to take over” when finally fascist groups gained authority.


What appears to be V’s notion of anarchy? What is his vision for a utopian society?


This mysterious anarchist proclaims: “Anarchy wears two faces, both creator and destroyer” and must “embrace the din of bombs and cannon-fire…”. He aims at destroying current authority and provoking people to defend their rights. According to V, utopian society would be happy and free while “vox populi” would have a paramount importance.


V: “Anarchy means “without leaders” not “without order.” Can anarchy be achieved without chaos?


In V’s opinion, it is highly probable to establish anarchy without causing much chaos, since the country without authority does not necessarily mean without reliable system. He struggles for freedom and order, not chaos. However, I believe that the very idea of anarchy inevitably involves religious, political, or economic turmoil; violent confrontations, disagreements, and a state of a great confusion. 


If we view the entire cast of characters in V for Vendetta as entities within a single human mind, which character would most likely be A. Id, B. Ego, C. superego? Provide a rationale for your position


Referring to Freud’s theory, in this comic strip the main characters could represent three entities of the human mind. Most probably that in this graphic novel Adam Susan, also known as the Leader, is a bad example of the superego for the fact he did not have conscience. With his recurring idea “England prevails” he tries to hide his childish mind. His function is to judge others, fully control the situation, punish in case of disobedience, and reassure the population that everything is in order. The main protagonist V represents the ego as his actions are perfectly reasonable and carefully planned. Throughout the story he gradually fulfills his aim which was “elaborate, chilling vendetta”. Evey, in my view, serves as an embodiment of the id. Due to her impulsive nature, innate instincts and kindness, she feels that killing people is morally wrong, but her feelings to V confuse her. Evey often thinks in a primitive and irrational manner but at the end of the story she evolves, I dare to say, to ego.


 Read a few articles relating to feminism and comic books, then weigh in on this business. What do you think? Are these folks justifiably concerned or do they need to get a grip? Why or why not? 


According to Bricken, it is possible to discuss ten major arguments people use to defend sexism prejudices in comic strips. Among them are the following:

  • male superheroes are drawn in the same way as female;
  • “all superheroes wear tights”;
  • “47% of comics readers are female”;
  • there is no point in frustration about anything in comics, since they depict unreal people with superpowers;
  • comics are not better than fancy magazines as they also show undressed women;
  • “it’s a double standard”.

Another interesting point of view is presented by a student with a nickname JEHANZEB in the article “The Objectification of Women in Comic Books. ”The author explains that feminism may be an outcome of the fact that originally women played minor roles in comic books. He adds that “they were depicted as dependent and “damsels in distress” — victims that needed to be rescued by the male protagonist.” As a result, female character often conjures up image of a defenseless person, so “men alone are capable of succeeding independently and being courageous, while women are subordinate figures in the background.” However, the female roles changed after World War II when readers became equally interested in female and male characters. Unfortunately, the case with female protagonists triggered curiosity which eventually turned into sexual interest because they were “invariably depicted as alluring objects of desire, wearing the scantiest of costumes”.


Pay close attention to how Evey is portrayed in the text. Do you believe Evey is a strong character, or a weak character? Give several examples to support your assertion


I tend to think that at the beginning Evey appears to be a defenseless weak sixteen-year-old girl. She was a poor orphan made to work in a factory. Searching for better money, she went out in the evening where several men might have killed her if V had not saved her. At first, despite being grateful for the help, she cried all the time and felt scared. However, after being kept in prison by her rescuer and the only friend, she got a deep understanding of


his motto “Strength through purity. Purity through faith”. Even feeling miserable and devastated (“Only now I don’t mind the rat…because I’m no better”), she refused to sign a false statement about connections with V. This courageous girl made her life-changing choice “between the death of principles and the death of the body” which made her free.


Owing to V, Evey managed to reveal her will and power. Even when she realized who her tormentor was, despite frustration mixed with shock, she did not long for revenge, “Thank you for what you have done for me”. Instead, Evey plucked up her courage to continue V’s mission and offered people a difficult choice “lives of our own, or a return to chains”.


Character analysis: identify two character archetypes. Explain how these two characters serve as character archetypes in V’s journey


In V for Vendetta Evey may be an archetype of a victim, the innocent in other words. A young girl that needs a hero to rescue and to defend her, however, as she evolves she reveals her strong personality and conquers her weaknesses; she develops into a survivor archetype. Mr. Finch – a detective, who did his best to investigate the terrorist case, may represent an archetype of the everyman. As an ordinary person he used to live in a “peaceful” country, listen to the “voice of fate,” and believe in previously established ideals. Suddenly, everything changes and he must face extraordinary circumstances.


Concerning V’s journey, these two archetypes also start their own journey in search of necessary information. Evey descends into a cruel psychological hell and is forced to discover some truth about V and about her own personality. Finch, however, wanted to discover V’s motives, so he delved deeply into V’s behavior. He tried to think in his manner, to understand his logic, and to reveal his mystery, and he finally succeeded in it.

