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People always generate ideas, which influence the way of living in the society. This process of material and non-material interaction between an individual and his /her thoughts provides constant changes. Thus, this movement, relations, and mutual influence make some things to appear, other things to dissolve, and some others remain the same in their basics. Social movement corresponds to the universal motion, where every part of the structure is connected and directed to the general balance. Consequently, the society as a part of the system permanently changes in its development, thus revealing new shapes and their combinations.


No member of the society can be made content and satisfied with his or her existence. Only the inner power and direction to the universal harmony may provide peace, strength, and optimism to live in spite of the surroundings. However, a person may not even understand how mighty his/her thoughts are and how they modulate the reality. Hence, if they are directed at something desired, they may become real some time. This essay describes a society of the future, where wishes of all its members come true. Everyone produces and consumes according to own desires and needs, and contributes to the general internal maintenance of order and external communications.


Location, Demographics, and Multicultural Dimensions

The population of 500,000 people lives on a vast valley. The city of Minoria and its suburbs is surrounded with mountains on the east, north, and south, and the lake Vision on the west. The main road that connects it with the rest of the world starts from the gorge in the south-west and stretches along the lake. Minoria has its own microclimate because of the mountains. There is no extreme difference in temperatures or severe winds. Moisture is regulated by the underground springs and the lake nearby. The valley is not entirely urbanized. Hence, the main density is on the central area. The internal mountains and the shore remain unsettled and leave several kilometres of pristine natural landscape. The suburbs, which appear next, look like village settlements of the old times. The buildings become higher and closer to the city center.


The population of Minoria is clearly divided into classes according to people’s individual desires. However, this stratification is not strict, and communities are mainly open for the transition. Thus, citizens are divided into five groups on the basis on their appearance, occupation, the way of living, and contribution to the general welfare. The most unpredictable and unsociable community is Natives   the dwellers of the mountains, who have no houses and are tightly connected with nature. They have no separation according to gender and do not have offsprings. They cannot be discerned by age as they look sometimes younger and sometimes older. Their body is slim and strong, the skin is pale, and the long hair is black. However, their eyes reflect darkness and depth of eternity and the power of supernatural forces. 


People who live in simple houses from natural materials are Housers. There are males and females, and they can bear children. The duration of their lives is 100 years. They are not tall, have average weight and dark brown eyes. They consume only materials and food which they get from the local environment, and they avoid consuming man-made things. They produce everything they need for a living themselves and exchange their products with others. 

The next group of citizens live in the city area along the perimeter. Gourods live underground in the labyrinth of caves and tunnels, which outlines the underground sprigs. These sources of water are the main producers of electricity, which these people maintain and distribute upward. Their bodies are short and muscular, and these people can easily see in the dark. They have gender division and have children. 


The citizens who live in high apartment blocks and constitute the majority are Formics. They are extremely fertile; however, the life expectancy is not high. Their body is smaller and darker in comparison with others’, they are quick-witted and energetic. 


The last group of people are Highers who live on top of the buildings and do not come down to the ground. They look like Natives; however, their eyes are light-coloured and shine with glow. They do not have hair on their bodies, and their movements are calm and fast at the same time. Males and females look as if they are of the same middle age; however, no one knows exactly how old they are. 

The Society’s Main Institutions

The society is clearly divided into classes, which have different institutes and a specific way of living. However, all differences between the inhabitants do not create obstacles in cooperation and interaction on various levels. Likewise, as it was previously mentioned, Minoria is a place where wishes of its members come true. Despite the differences in desires, there is one general course of universal harmonization, and every member in this society adheres to this intuitive direction. The highest building – the Tower of Consolidation   is located in the center of the city. It is placed on the main ground spring, which supplies it with natural and electric power. Only Highers and Natives can enter this building from the top in short periods of time. This Tower is the main generator and keeper of general peace, cooperation, and harmony, because it influences on everyone through invisible waves and vibration. No one controls the flow of power and no one can change its characteristics. Only universal harmonic laws influence on the generation of this power, which changes all the time due to the circumstances within the communities.


Concerning the society’s institutions, every class has its own unique lifestyle. Thus, the Natives live alone and have no family or children. They are dwellers through the open places and are servants of nature and the universe. They are connected only with the Highers and have access to the Tower of Consolidation. They use its power to have the ability to appear in the right time and place in order to balance the surrounding. They talk very little and communicate only with nature and Highers by subconscious means. The Natives are governed by the rules of nature and the universe. This connection gives them absolute knowledge for right decisions. 


The Housers live their whole life in one place and are the most stable group of citizens. Their families consist of male and female parents who raise only one child. They produce material for living only for themselves merely to satisfy their needs. The extra amount of goods taken from nature they give or change with the Gourods and the Formics. They live under suggestion of the Natives who come to their settlements and give answers to their questions. As the Housers do not use electricity, they live close to nature and find all the pleasure in observing its constant motion.


Thus, the Gourods only use the power of nature in underground springs to generate electricity for the entire city. Likewise, they make gods and food from the oars and minerals, and they consume little energy for illumination. Males and females from this class live separately and have several offsprings. They stay all their lives underground and do their duty in power production, mining, and searching for valuable minerals. 


The Formics are the most productive class regarding children, goods, and services. They live in small apartments alone; however, they can have relations with everyone in order to produce as much posterity as possible. They are highly dependent on their activities for building as well as food and stuff production, especially in entertaining. Thus, the media is the most significant point of community unification that gives people food for brain and for pleasure. As one the main consumers of electricity, the Formics are fond of various colorful illuminations, action films, and visual motion art, which can be noticed along the streets at night. The like everything bright and expressive, and are masters of entertaining themselves.


The Highers live on the roofs of buildings in communities. Males and females synthesize babies from electric power when they enter the Tower of Consolidation. The Highers are non-material producers and create the ideas which can be applied to every group of the society. They are the main consumers of electricity, which they collect and accumulate in order to be able to use their mind in full measure. They are generators of scientific ideas, which create foresight and which the other members of the society take into action. The Highers have no need to entertain themselves   they find satisfaction in their mind and mental process.

Society’s Ideology

Every community has its own principles depending on the lifestyle. However, despite the difference in goals and ideas, each community has the common rule of harmony maintenance.


The Natives have no identity and are servants of nature and universal laws. They contribute to the balance not only to the initiative environment. However, together with the Housers and the Highers, they take power from the main source of mental energy – the Tower. 


The Housers have the plant principles – they grow and renew with less harm to nature. They live very simple and quite lives being afraid of the forces of nature. Their goals are to maintain balance and to prolong the eternal flow of existence in a human form.


The Gourods are the conscious masters of natural sources. With their strong bodies and tough minds, they are greedy and stable. They are fully satisfied with the lack of light and air underground. Their happiness is in the hoarding; however, they do not long for control because of the lack of intelligence.


The main principles of Formics lies in constant activity and sense stimulation. They always produce and consume goods and have close relations with the Gourods and the Highers. They have insatiable bodies and minds in uncontrollable desire for productive activity as well as mental and emotional stimulation.  


The Highers are the purest class in this society. Related with the Natives, they are also servants. However, they can consume and transform much more energy through their minds and bodies. They are able to reproduce the power in ideas and general goals in the most uncontaminated way.

Society’s Material and Non-Material Culture

Every community possesses material goods and unique culture norms. Thus, the Natives have no property apart from long grey cloaks. Their value is nature and maintenance of the universal laws. They do not produce anything   they simply observe and move from one place to another to follow the environmental order.

The Housers have one store house from nature material; they take food from nature and use its sources for the minimal life support. They have their own ambitions and devote their life to the will of surroundings.


The Gourods synthesize food and clothes from the oars by conducting electrified water flow through them. In such a way, they divide useful elements for their bodies from valuable mineral parts which they store. They produce energy for others by beating up the water until the process becomes cyclic. Their value is the hoarding of minerals and maintaining stability of their lifestyle.


The Formics produce goods and services for themselves and realize the ideas of the Highers. They have various robots which make simple, routine or service work, so they can have time for entertaining and producing offsprings. Their ideology lies within the field of constant movement, stimulation, and activity. Contrary to the Gourods, the Formics are the most changeable and irresponsible members of the community.


The Highers occupy the plane roofs of the buildings and are able to transform energy by materializing the universal energy of harmony from the Tower of Consolidation. They produce only ideas, maintain their bodies with electricity, and synthesize babies by the forces of the Tower. Their moral is universal, and their rules are the basic cosmic rules of harmony and flourishing.

The Society’s Policies

The first policy is the support of general prosperity due to the unique desires and needs of the communities. The next policy is the ability to live according to the inner nature and direction. Implementation of actions for the city’s development within the environment prosperity is the next goal of the society. As the structural element, the harmonization of individual needs and desires with the universal laws contributes to the general state of flourishing and prosperity.  

Evaluation of the Society

Despite the differences in lifestyles, desires, and values, people who live in the city of Minoria are directed towards the common aim. Everyone here occupies the right place according to one’s own abilities and wishes. The Tower of Consolidation as the main producer of material and non-material power influences every member by harmonization where individuals live contributing to the progress of nature. Everyone is happy occupying the niche that is most suitable for him/her. However, if someone acts selfishly, the power of the Tower will softly redirect his/her actions or thoughts into the harmless direction.  


In conclusion, the city of Minoria is a place where different communities can live their lives and satisfy their needs and desires. Living in various conditions and having a rich choice of different occupations, each person contributes to the common wealth and balance. Even if someone drops out of the general course and may cause harm to the surrounding, the influence of the Tower of Consolidation will harmonize his/her actions.

