Only excellent command of English along with the skills of critical writing and analytic thinking can be a guarantee that you can claim, ‘I know how to write a response essay perfectly well!’ It might seem to be easy, but actually, it will appear to be a much more time-consuming task that you have probably thought it is. You might hope to get an excellent grade, but you will be disappointed as you lack an insight into the standards of academic writing. Thus, what you need to do now is to improve your skills and acquire more knowledge. Still, you have an assignment to handle right now and you cannot wait until you feel ready and confident. What can you do not to fail your task? It would be reasonable to get free of stress and buy a perfect response paper now. It is your chance not to have the grade spoilt.
Response Essay Writing: What Purpose does It Pursue?
Among many tasks you have to handle this week, you have a response essay that requires your special attention as you are not sure how to deal with it. So, first of all, you have to learn more about response essays and only then to get down to writing. It is a creative type of writing tasks as the grade will be given for your own ideas and views. You should give a response that includes your own opinion after proper analysis of what you should react to. Do not forget that all your ideas should have sufficient evidence that can back up your arguments and statements.
A lot of students hesitate about using the pronoun ‘I’ in writing response essays. We would say that it is allowed, but it does not imply that only your point of view should be presented here. The evidence that backs up the thoughts and ideas is also very important.
Another strict requirement related to the quality of response essays is work on citations, formatting, and paper flow and structure. Moreover, both the style and tone of writing should be chosen appropriately.

How to Structure Response Essays
There are some common features of all essays that imply giving critical response to certain content. Organizing the ideas, you should adhere to the formal style of writing in your responses to the materials assigned by the professors. Thus, the writer is supposed not only to know the subject matter of the essay, but also to be able to demonstrate the awareness of the general topic and support the ideas with relevant valid data and evidence.
The structure of the response papers is not universal as it depends on the topic and subject of the student’s interest. It would be helpful to look through some great examples of essays in advance to have at least some ideas of how a response essay should look like.
You should pay proper attention to the formatting style of the response essay writing as the professors always specify which style should be used in a certain assignment. In case there is no specific instruction about the style of formatting (Harvard, APA, MLA, etc.), it is better to check on that and get clarifications from the professor. It might happen that you can use the style of formatting at random. We would recommend choosing the one you find the easiest, but you should always check on all the peculiar features of formatting in the online guides as there might be some updates in the style. Most of the requirements though are similar to those typical for a standard essay.
How to Make a Response Essay Impressive?
First of all, mind that the essay organization should resemble that of a story. Only having sufficient practice in writing, you will master response essay writing and topic analysis in a critical manner. Show your perceptions and values in the paper, following the step-by-step procedure that will ensure your perfect exam grade.
Make essay notes
It is not enough to go through the text only once. Instead, you have to do that several times and then point out the fields essential for essay writing. You will present your own perspective on the basis of the selected aspects. However, if you feel that it is complicated for you to deal with this you can always get professional help from our brilliant writers. We will offer you the most effective writing support.
Select a topic
Choosing a topic is another crucial aspect of work on essays. Looking through the text, you should analyze the aspects you dislike, the moments you remember the best, the ideas you agree with, and so on. It is important to make sure that the selected topic is informative and exciting. The best option is to have a topic that corresponds to your passion.
Make your introduction strong
All the background details should be given in the initial essay paragraph. Mention the name of the author, title, and relevant facts, which provide the needed context to the readers. You should let your readers know that you have your own perspective of the material. A thesis statement should not be longer than two sentences. It is placed at the end of the introductory paragraphs and it is supported with some extra arguments.
It is recommended to make an introductory part concise, interesting, and informative. You should grab the readers’ attention with the help of some shocking, thought-provoking, or pleasant fact that will be unexpected or creative. You can have a look at some striking essays to see the approaches of outstanding writers to composing the essay introduction.
Work on the body paragraphs
It is natural that you aim at making your readers interested in your writing and your task is to trigger their emotions and impress them with the analytical or persuasive style in your writing. You start with a compelling thesis statement in your introduction and you go on to the body paragraphs where you give all the explanations. There is no universal requirement as for the required number of paragraphs as it depends on the issue raised and the subject area. The main idea should be developed in the essay body on the basis of the answers to the following questions:
- What is your attitude to the statement? Do you agree or disagree?
- What are the reasons for your attitude?
- Is that a fact? Can you give any evidence to prove that?
Review the ideas you can present and prove them with the proven concepts, valid documents, achievements of the reputable scholars, etc. The rule of proper body writing is to divide the text into paragraphs with a single idea for each of them.
Check if you have expressed your point of view clearly
Writing a response essay, the students should focus on giving their own ideas and opinions which is the essence of this type of assignments. It is the type of writing which makes it acceptable to use the phrases like ‘It seems to me,’ ‘I believe’ and so on. It is even not acceptable, but desirable to include such phrases as they show that it is your personal reaction. Thus, the readers will be interested in getting to know what you think about the topic. The common expressions typical for response writing are the following:
- I believe;
- In my opinion;
- I feel;
- It is possible to conclude that;
- I doubt;
- I truly believe;
- It was touching for me to get to know that;
- I agree with the statement;
- I especially like the part in which;
- It is evident that the author is against;
- I do not like;
- I cannot understand the connection between.
The students can use various expressions that demonstrate their opinions. Still, it would be wrong to use them only because it is a must for response papers. They should be relevant and used only when it is appropriate.
Students frequently believe that they are just honest in their judgments while they make insulting comments and give no explanations to the ideas they bring to their readers. It is normal to be critical and not every material should be liked by the writer. Still, criticizing the text, the writer should always give valid reasons for his or her disapproval of the ideas or attitudes. You should learn all the rules on how to write a response essay and always make sure that the critical remarks are backed up with explanations, examples, and specific reasons.
Make a proper conclusion
The final paragraph should always contain the main idea repeated. It should not exceed six sentences as it is only a reminder of the analyzed source.
NB: It is always easier to guarantee that the structure of the paper is perfect and the ideas are coherent with the help of an outline.
Proofreading is a mandatory part of essay writing. Having completed the text, you have to make sure that mistakes, both accidental and made because of poor knowledge, will not spoil the impression your response essay can produce. It would also be nice if someone could have a look at what you have written to point out the weaknesses and correct the mistakes that might have slipped your attention.
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