Without any exaggeration, a powerful speech can change the world or at least persuade your audience to follow your example, help you reach incredible success in business, or bring you the A+ grade. Writing a good speech is an art that covers a lot of different aspects and if you do not know how to write a speech that would bring you the desired outcome, feel free to learn the effective secrets gathered and structured by our professional writers. Following our guideline step-by-step, you will be able to produce an exemplary piece that will strike your audience and bring you the best outcome. So, let us start!
Step-by-step speech guideline
1. Focus on the most meaningful ideas
Do not try to cover everything and do not put multiple ideas on your speech. The studies show that people remember very little from the speech, so we recommend you to focus on the most important arguments and develop them. A good speech should not last more than a few minutes!
2. Your speech is not an essay
The common mistake of many people is that they write their speech in an essay form ignoring the facts that these texts are very different in their essence. Your audience will listen to your speech, not read it. Thus, try to make it as conversational as possible. The following speech writing tips will help you reach your goals:
- Do not use long complicated sentences. Using simple but meaningful sentences is the key to success.
- Use contractions. Instead “I am,” say “I`m” and instead “you are” use “you`re.” Following an informal tone is an essential technique for developing a good speech.
- Do not overburden your speech with the unknown words or complicated terms that are not used in your daily conversations.
- When creating the speech, you do not need to follow all the rules of English grammar precisely. Though your English teacher can be horrified, everybody knows that people do not always use complete sentences in their daily conversations. Your speech should be maximally similar to your conversation with the audience.
- When the speech is written, feel free to read it aloud to find out how will your audience hear it. If it sounds like a book text, try to fix it keeping in mind that the speech is a live conversation between you and your listeners.

3. Use specific examples
Using specific examples is a must if you want to keep your audience interested in your ideas. For instance, the sentence “Our kids have to play on the safe basketball and baseball fields” is much better than the sentence “Basketball and baseball fields are in short supply in our community.”
4. Get all your facts together
If you want your audience to believe in what you say, you need to support your arguments with the strong evidence. As such, it is very recommendable to do proper research before writing your speech. For instance, you are writing a speech supporting the idea that the people from your community should refuse from gas cars because they contribute to air pollution in your area. In such a way, you need to provide recent statistics and strong facts proving your words. It is not enough to say the common phrases and gas emissions pollute the surrounding environment. Point out to the potential risks of ignoring your suggestions, as well as the obvious benefits from following them. Back up your arguments with the strong facts and you will be able to reach success with your speech.
If you are proclaiming your inauguration speech, there are many topics to write about. Are you concerned about some environmental problem? Do you want to increase the music lessons at schools? Are you going to get your audience involved in volunteering? Choose the one that you are passionate about and you will be able to impress your audience with the creative approach, as well as sound arguments.
5. Follow a classic structure
A persuasive speech usually follows the classic structure, the so-called “problem-solution” structure. In the first part of your speech, you need to identify the problem and point out to its relevance, whereas the second part of your speech should be dedicated to the potential solutions to this problem. Very often, the statistics, credible sources, and facts are very helpful in persuading people to accept your viewpoint.
6. Simplify your speech
When the speech is written, look it through to understand which words can be cut. Cutting the unnecessary words, you will make your speech clear and straightforward. One well-known speechwriter working at the White House always follows the rule “Fewer words – clearer point.” This technique seems very reasonable when it comes to creating a truly brilliant speech.

Additional Speech Writing Tips
Apart from the secrets mentioned above, you should follow the additional speech writing tips that will turn the speechwriting process into a fascinating experience.
- Know your purpose. Always remember what you are trying to accomplish in your speech. Do you want to inspire, persuade, argue, entertain, or educate your listener? Keep in mind that your purpose defines the tone of your speech, as well as its structure.
- Know your target audience. Your speech should be tailored to the needs of your audience since your success depends on whether your audience accepts your speech or not. As such, when choosing the language or ideas that will be discussed, pay attention to your audience and its needs.
- Follow the requirements. If you have to create an academic speech as a part of your academic schedule, you need to follow the professor`s requirements precisely, especially in terms of length. If the professor asks you to write a 3-minute speech, make sure not to go over the limit. As such, once the speech is written, read it aloud to make sure it fits the length requirement.
- Remember that practice makes perfect. Nobody was born with brilliant speechwriting skills. We assure you that with every written speech, you will polish your speechwriting competencies. None of the famous speeches were written in just one hour. Thus, give yourself some time and write several drafts fixing the mistakes and improving the content of your speech.
Speech Writing Process: Step-by-Step
The process of writing a good speech involves the following steps:
- Step 1. Define the structure of your speech. What ideas are you going to discuss?
- Step 2. Create a good speech outline in which all ideas that will be discussed in your speech will be gathered.
- Step 3. Write a rough draft of your speech following your speech writing outline.
- Step 4. Polish your speech fixing all typos and grammatical mistakes.
- Step 5. Read your speech aloud to make sure it is clear and coherent.

Follow the Universal Structure!
Got stuck on the first step? Follow the universal structure that will help you develop your ideas without extra efforts. Start your speech with the introduction in which you will indicate who are you and what is the purpose of your speech. For instance, if you are working on your wedding speech, make sure to mention that you are a bride`s friend and what does this person mean to you. If you are writing a business speech, make sure to point out the value of your project. The introduction is always followed by the main message in which all your ideas are conveyed. Do not mix them up but gradually move from one idea to another as it will help you stay focused. Do not forget about the transitions that will make your speech smooth and easy-to-follow.
Sum up your speech with some memorable words. We assure you that ending up your speech with a thought-provoking statement, you will leave a good impression on your audience. We also recommend you to find some great speech writing online in order to find out the techniques used by the talented speech writers and utilize them in your writing process.
How a good speech outline should look like
- Introduction: Identify the problem of your research.
- Main body: Provide clear arguments and support them with solid evidence.
- Conclusion: Present your key findings and point out their value.
An outline of a wedding speech
- Introduction: Tell the audience who you are and how did you meet the bride.
- Main message: Recollect the funny moments and heartwarming stories of your life, tell your first impressions about the groom.
- Conclusion: Wrap things up emphasizing how happy the bride and groom became after meeting each other and wish something good to a new family.
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